A Little Personal Background…Just in Case You Were Wondering.

Bryan V. Reed

In the past twenty-nine years of trial experience in state and federal courts, I have learned a thing or two…all of which have made me a better family law attorney. Chancery, law division, municipal, criminal, probate, appellate…I’ve been there and scrapped with the best of them, including some of the largest firms in the nation.

For many years I have focused exclusively on being the best divorce attorney I can be. It seemed only natural to limit my practice in this way, as divorce cases touch on nearly every other area of law. Some of my divorce clients face criminal charges or immigration concerns, others want corporations valued or real estate appraised, while still others need forensic accounting to trace hidden assets. In each case, they want someone who understands the landscape and who knows the expert to retain.

My approach is rather simple: I fight relentlessly for my clients when the other side has no interest in peacefully and fairly resolving a dispute. The same “never give up” mindset that took me to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and back is what I bring to the table. Divorces are ridiculously expensive when one side refuses transparency and insists on playing games. But if given a good faith option, I will steer my client toward an amicable, and peaceful resolution every time. An holistic approach and outcome must always be strongly considered and sought, where at all possible.

For more information on my degrees, licenses (including the U.S. Supreme Court), and accomplishments, check out my bio under the “Recent Law” tab. There I address my French and Italian connections and my international background. And to learn even more, you can always check out my podcast at http://www.letsbesmartaboutthis.com.

Languages: French

Bryan Reed – Lawyer in Chicago, IL – Avvo
