Ross S. Levey

Ross S. Levey graduated with Honors from the University of Illinois (Urbana/Champaign) in 1990 and obtained his Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law in 1993. Mr. Levey is known for his calm, levelheaded approach in advocating for his clients. For more than 30 years, Mr. Levey has provided sound, practical advice to assist his clients’ fight through all aspects of their cases.
Mr. Levey is currently on the Board of Directors for The Lilac Tree, a not-for-profit organization that helps individuals navigate and overcome the challenges of separation and divorce by providing access to legal and financial information, support networks and professional resources.
Mr. Levey was appointed to the Illinois State Bar Association Family Law Section Council in 2005 and served as Chair in 2009-2010. Mr. Levey was also the Newsletter Editor for the Illinois State Bar Association Family Law Section Council from 2001-2007.
Mr. Levey was appointed to the Illinois State Bar Association Committee on Electronic Research for 2005-2006, 2007-2008 and 2010-2011.
Mr. Levey was selected by a panel of prominent Illinois attorneys as a member of the Leading Lawyers Network in the area of family law. In consecutive years beginning in 2005 through the current date, Chicago Magazine selected Mr. Levey as one of Illinois’ “Super Lawyers” in the area of Family Law.
Mr. Levey has lectured at “Divorce University” presented by The Lilac Tree, for the Illinois State Bar Association and for the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Mr. Levey has worked as the state reporter for Illinois for the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 “Law in Fifty States” editions of the Family Law Quarterly published by the American Bar Association.
Since leaving law school, 100% of Mr. Levey’s experience has been devoted to the area of family law.
Areas Of Practice
- Family Law/Matrimonial Law
- Premarital Agreements
- Modification/Enforcement of Divorce Judgment/Court Orders
- Parentage/Paternity
Published Works
- Authored chapter on child support for the 2015 Edition of LexisNexis Practice Guide on Illinois Family Law.
- Marriage and Divorce at Midlife and Beyond, Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 100/Oct. Issue, 2012
- Broken Engagements, ISBA Family Law Section Newsletter, Vol. 54 No. 8, 2011
- Family Law Quarterly, Law in Fifty States, American Bar Association, 2003 & 2004
Honors And Awards
- Leading Lawyers of Illinois Family Law, 2009 - Current
- Super Lawyers of Illinois Family Law, 2005 - Current
- Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 2010 – 2023
- American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Board of Governors Illinois Chapter, 2010 – 2012
Past Employment Positions
- Yavitz & Levey, LLP, Founding Partner, 2004 to 2024
- Lake, Toback & Yavitz, Associate Attorney, 1993 to 2004